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Vodcast #020 - Global Mindset by Lashley Pulsipher

Essential Skill to Cultivate

Now, basically with just wifi and laptop, we can work with anyone from anywhere. Having a global mindset is the key to the future, as well as the present. So what should we do? There are 3 tips shared by Lashley this week.

1. Know your own cultural biases and preferences

Lashley shared her story first working in Dubai - a cultural conflict happened due to a lack of understanding in adapting to others’ culture. While she was working in a dispute resolution firm, she also had a minor dispute between her and a customer. Check out her story. Don’t just laugh at it, but try to figure out why her solution worked.

2. Know your strengths

Surely, knowing what we are good at and immediately working on our tasks is a good attitude. However, why cultural intelligence comes into play is we could avoid pitfalls and workplace conflicts. Things that work in a country don’t necessarily work in another.

3. Cultivate curiosity

Like Lashley mentioned in Vodcast #002, reading fiction is another great tip. It helps gain valuable insights you just won’t get anywhere. It’s the inner lives, hopes, dreams, tragedies and comedies that are unique in 1 nature. Lashley once lived in Pakistan and she noticed there’s a special way to address people. There are the family name and two first names. People usually go by the second one, do you know why?

Hope this episode flexes your cultural muscle and helps you stand out in this global environment. Next episode by Lashley will be dedicated to managers and team leads. Stay tuned!

About the Speaker:

Ms. Lashley Pulsipher is a global leadership consultant and certified coach accredited by ICF. She was an enterprising executive in the C-suite accustomed to the dynamic pace working in emerging & growth-leading economies from Africa to the Middle East and South Asia. She has over a decade of experience leading regional teams across several industries including hospitality, luxury travel, real estate, wellness, and retail. Lashley is an adept communications trainer specializing in executive presence, crisis management, and impactful presentation skills. She holds a master’s degree in International Policy. Lashley also supports entrepreneurs by serving as a guest speaker, coach, and mentor to local start-up programs, as well as a sector expert and judge for the USAID SMEA Challenge Fund and National Incubation Center.

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